Meet Emy

Mobile web library to create cross-platform webapps & hybrid apps using HTML5

Mobile & tablet webapp framework

Emy is a framework designed to create lightweight mobile web applications using web technologies. Its goal is not to be another Jquery Mobile but to provide a simplier & lighter alternative.

  • Create navigational menus and native-like interfaces from standard HTML
  • Support of device orientation and physical back button for navigation
  • Dozens of UI components for lists, buttons, forms, panels, ...
  • Provide a "nativ-ish" experience for your web apps
  • Knowledge of JavaScript is not required to create modern mobile web pages.

Extensions & themes

We really want to keep core code as lightweight as possible. Emy is a fork of iUI, a framework started by Joe Hewitt back in 2007 in an iPhone-only world. It’s not 2007 anymore, that’s why we provide additionnal themes & plugins.

  • Themes : Android, Blackberry, iOS, iOS 8 & WindowsPhone
  • Plugins : Extended styles, Extended elements, Extended transitions, Offline cache, Google Analytics, Theme switcher

You might even find more scripts or how to use third-party services like Bing, Facebook or Instagram APIs in our demos apps.

Why ‘‘e.m.y‘‘?

Emy stands for Efficiant Mobile librarY. It also, and well let’s be honnest, is my hug-addicted cat name :)
She hates Android phones, loves self-coded javascript and is looking forward to see your Emy’s powered webapp.