
We cooked a few apps to show how quick and easy it can be done using Emy

We created a few demo apps using Emy. From a simple static screens navigation to a most advanced connected to social APIs, we hope they give you a good overview of what can be done. You might be able to test them from modern desktop browsers like Safari, Chrome or IE10.

Interface demo

This demo showcases all UI elements included by default in Emy: lists, buttons, screen & dialog panel, forms,...
It also includes an external file loading and the hideBackButton option.

This demo helps you to see how simple it is to create sliding-screens webapp using Emy.



A very simple app containing only a form panel, and an external PHP file with the form result panel. The purpose is to show you how GET and POST form submission works.

Emy is a client-side framework. Any server-side language can be used (ASP.Net, PHP, Java, Ruby, Node.JS, Grails, ...)


Music app

This app contains a few more styles including a list with icons. It also really plays music, using the HTML5 audio element.

Contact app

This app is just a simple contact book. But it’s also offline capable, which means you will be able to access it even without signal.

Notes app

This app is offline capable like the contact app. It also stores your notes in localStorage so you can add, edit and delete them. Offline.

Maps app

This app purpose is to show you how to mix Emy with external third party APIs like Google Maps, Bing Maps & MapBox (OpenLayers).

Facebook app

This app connects to Facebook and generate screens based on your personal infos.
Friends, photos albums & stuffs you liked.

Instagram app

This app connects to your Instagram account to show your feed & user profiles.
App layout adapts to screen width.